- The first futile attempt to get rid of the Norwegian diagnoses of fetishism, fetishistic transvestism, and sadomasochism.
- Denmark repeals Sadomasochism as a diagnosis.
- The Norwegian LGBT organization establishes a committee, Revise F65, with the purpose to remove national and international fetish and bdsm diagnoses.
2002-. Building up a professional basis for the reform on reviseF65.org.
2003-. Lectures and talks with bdsm activists and professionals world wide.

2003. International Mr Leather John Pendal becomes official supporter of the Revise F65 movement.
2006 – The professional basis for the Revise F65 project published in The Journal of Homosexuality and in the book Sadomasochism: Powerful Pleasures.
2007 – The WHO coordinator Dr. T. Bedirhan Ustun invites Revise F65 to cooperate about the forthcoming ICD-11.
2008 – WHO’s Senior Project Officer Dr. Geoffrey M. Reed asks Revise F65 for documentation.
2009 – Sweden removes their national fetish and bdsm diagnoses patterned after the Revise F65 model.
2009 – Revise F65 delivers the first report to WHO’s Working Group on Sexual Disorders and Sexual Health, documenting that BDSM/sadomasochism and violence are two different phenomena.
2010 – Norway removes their national fetish and bdsm diagnoses patterned after the Revise F65 model.
2011 – Finland removes their national fetish and bdsm diagnoses patterned after the Revise F65 model.
2011 – Revise F65 delivers the second report to WHO’s Working Group documenting that the diagnoses in question are outdated, non-scientific and stigmatizing.
2015- Iceland removes their national fetish and bdsm diagnoses patterned after the Revise F65 model.
2018 – June 18, 2018 the World Health Organisation removes the three fetish and bdsm diagnoses globally. All recommendations from Revise F65 are taken into account in the revised ICD-11 classification, because the diagnoses of Fetishism, Fetishistic transvestism and Sadomasochism, according to WHO’s Working Group, not are ”relevant to public health and clinical psychopathology”, but ”merely reflect private behaviour”. The new classification consider Fetishism and Sadomasochism as variants in sexual arousal and psychiatric diagnoses can no longer be abused to harass, silence, or imprison leather men and bdsm women. Stigmatization of fetishism and bdsm are, according to WHO’s Working Group, inconsistent with human rights principles endorsed by the UN and the WHO.
#revisef65 #offthesicklist #humanrights #fetishrights #bdsmrights #fetishrightsarehumanrights #bdsmrightsarehumanrights #proudtobeahealthyperv #nomoresickfilth #gear365 #FIGHT #proudperverts #healthyperverts #leatherpride #beyourself #beproudofwhoyouare #fetishpride
Read responses from fetish/bdsm people to WHO’s June 18 announcement:
Susan Wright in the American organization NCSF (National Coalition for Sexual Freedom) reports July 12, 2018 about a child custody case in Belgium. The woman was so glad Revise F65 did this work so she has a defense.
Polish Marcin has been in contact with Revise F65 since 2012. June 21, 2018 he writes:
”… that was great news, I had some personal problem with that – my previos wife tries to take my kid from me, and I have to go to several sexologist and psychiatrist to prove, that I’m normal. Now I can tell everyone, that I’m normal, and I have it in written ;).”
Mike W on the #gear365 FB group writes June 22, 2018:
“… this is an excellent posting. It’s well timed with my discovery of #Gear365. In a short space of time the international encouragement to get out and be who I am has done what years and years of angst and stress failed to achieve. Thanks guys, a huge thanks!
Admin Nigel publised June 20, 2018 on BLUF.com:
Just in time for Pride, over twenty years of hard work by BLUF member Svein Skeid aka oslosuB (641) have paid off, with the World Health Organisation revising its classification of diseases, removing fetishism and BDSM.
More reactions June 22, 2018:
”Finally, some fucking good news today.”
”This is great news for all of us in to fetish gear and BDSM. Now our leather and rubber communities can grow and we can wear our gear proudly.”
”This is absolutely tremendous news, Svein! Thanks for all your efforts to bring our amazing community out of the WHO biggot list once and for all. You’re a true hero!”